Internal API

Analysis-Synthesis based TSM procedures

The audiotsm.base.analysis_synthesis module provides a base class for real-time analysis-synthesis based audio time-scale modification procedures.

class audiotsm.base.analysis_synthesis.AnalysisSynthesisTSM(converter, channels, frame_length, analysis_hop, synthesis_hop, analysis_window, synthesis_window, delta_before=0, delta_after=0)

A audiotsm.base.tsm.TSM for real-time analysis-synthesis based time-scale modification procedures.

The basic principle of an analysis-synthesis based TSM procedure is to first decompose the input signal into short overlapping frames, called the analysis frames. The frames have a fixed length frame_length, and are separated by analysis_hop samples, as illustrated below:

Frame 1:  [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~]
Frame 2:                  [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~]
Frame 3:                                  [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~]

It then relocates the frames on the time axis by changing the distance between them (to synthesis_hop), as illustrated below:

Frame 1:  [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~]
Frame 2:                         [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~]
Frame 3:                                               [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~]

This changes the speed of the signal by the ratio analysis_hop / synthesis_hop (for example, if the synthesis_hop is twice the analysis_hop, the output signal will be half as fast as the input signal).

However this simple method introduces artifacts to the signal. These artifacts can be reduced by modifying the analysis frames by various methods. This is done by a converter object, which converts the analysis frames into modified frames called the synthesis frames.

To further reduce the artifacts, window functions (the analysis_window and the synthesis_window) can be applied to the analysis frames and the synthesis frames in order to smooth the signal.

Some TSM procedures (e.g. WSOLA-like methods) may need to have access to some samples preceeding or following an analysis frame to generate the synthesis frame. The delta_before and delta_after parameters allow to specify the numbers of samples needed before and after the analysis frame, so that they are available to the converter.

For more details on Time-Scale Modification procedures, I recommend reading “A Review of Time-Scale Modification of Music Signals” by Jonathan Driedger and Meinard Müller.

  • converter (Converter) – an object that implements the conversion of the analysis frames into synthesis frames.
  • channels (int) – the number of channels of the input signal.
  • frame_length (int) – the length of the frames.
  • analysis_hop (int) – the number of samples between two consecutive analysis frames.
  • synthesis_hop (int) – the number of samples between two consecutive synthesis frames.
  • analysis_window (numpy.ndarray) – a window applied to the analysis frames
  • synthesis_window (numpy.ndarray) – a window applied to the synthesis frames
  • delta_before (int) – the number of samples preceding an analysis frame that the converter requires (this is usually 0, except for WSOLA-like methods)
  • delta_after (int) – the number of samples following an analysis frame that the converter requires (this is usually 0, except for WSOLA-like methods)
class audiotsm.base.analysis_synthesis.Converter

A base class for objects implementing the conversion of analysis frames into synthesis frames.


Clears the state of the Converter, making it ready to be used on another signal (or another part of a signal). It is called by the clear() method and the constructor of AnalysisSynthesisTSM.


Converts an analysis frame into a synthesis frame.

Parameters:analysis_frame (numpy.ndarray) –

a matrix of shape (m, delta_before + frame_length + delta_after), with m the number of channels, containing the analysis frame and some samples before and after (as specified by the delta_before and delta_after parameters of the AnalysisSynthesisTSM calling the Converter).

analysis_frame[:, delta_before:-delta_after] contains the actual analysis frame (without the samples preceeding and following it).

Returns:a synthesis frame represented as a numpy.ndarray of shape (m, frame_length), with m the number of channels.

Circular buffers

The audiotsm.utils module provides utility functions and classes used in the implementation of time-scale modification procedures.

class audiotsm.utils.CBuffer(channels, max_length)

A CBuffer is a circular buffer used to store multichannel audio data.

It can be seen as a variable-size buffer whose length is bounded by max_length. The CBuffer.write() and CBuffer.right_pad() methods allow to add samples at the end of the buffer, while the and CBuffer.remove() methods allow to remove samples from the beginning of the buffer.

Contrary to the samples added by the CBuffer.write() and CBuffer.read_from(), those added by the CBuffer.right_pad() method are considered not to be ready to be read. Effectively, this means that they can be modified by the CBuffer.add() and CBuffer.divide() methods, but have to be marked as ready to be read with the CBuffer.set_ready() method before being read with the CBuffer.peek(),, or CBuffer.write_to() methods.

  • channels (int) – the number of channels of the buffer.
  • max_length (int) – the maximum length of the buffer (i.e. the maximum number of samples that can be stored in each channel).

Adds a buffer element-wise to the CBuffer.

Parameters:buffer (numpy.ndarray) – a matrix of shape (m, n), with m the number of channels and n the length of the buffer.
Raises:ValueError – if the CBuffer and the buffer do not have the same number of channels or the CBuffer is smaller than the buffer (self.length < n).

Divides each channel of the CBuffer element-wise by the array.

Parameters:array (numpy.ndarray) – an array of shape (n,).
Raises:ValueError – if the length of the CBuffer is smaller than the length of the array (self.length < n).

The number of samples of each channel of the CBuffer.


Reads as many samples from the CBuffer as possible, without removing them from the CBuffer, writes them to the buffer, and returns the number of samples that were read.

The samples need to be marked as ready to be read with the CBuffer.set_ready() method in order to be read. This is done automatically by the CBuffer.write() and CBuffer.read_from() methods.

Parameters:buffer (numpy.ndarray) – a matrix of shape (m, n), with m the number of channels and n the length of the buffer, where the samples will be written.
Returns:the number of samples that were read from the CBuffer.
Raises:ValueError – if the CBuffer and the buffer do not have the same number of channels.

Reads as many samples from the CBuffer as possible, removes them from the CBuffer, writes them to the buffer, and returns the number of samples that were read.

The samples need to be marked as ready to be read with the CBuffer.set_ready() method in order to be read. This is done automatically by the CBuffer.write() and CBuffer.read_from() methods.

Parameters:buffer (numpy.ndarray) – a matrix of shape (m, n), with m the number of channels and n the length of the buffer, where the samples will be written.
Returns:the number of samples that were read from the CBuffer.
Raises:ValueError – if the CBuffer and the buffer do not have the same number of channels.

Reads as many samples as possible from reader, writes them to the CBuffer, and returns the number of samples that were read.

The written samples are marked as ready to be read.

Parameters:reader – a
Returns:the number of samples that were read from reader.
Raises:ValueError – if the CBuffer and reader do not have the same number of channels.

The number of samples that can be read.


The number of samples that can be added to the CBuffer.


Removes the first n samples of the CBuffer, preventing them to be read again, and leaving more space for new samples to be written.

Parameters:n (int) – the number of samples to remove.
Returns:the number of samples that were removed.

Add zeros at the end of the CBuffer.

The added samples are not marked as ready to be read. The CBuffer.set_ready() will need to be called in order to be able to read them.

Parameters:n (int) – the number of zeros to add.
Raises:ValueError – if there is not enough space to add the zeros.

Mark the next n samples as ready to be read.

Parameters:n (int) – the number of samples to mark as ready to be read.
Raises:ValueError – if there is less than n samples that are not ready yet.

Returns an array containing the same data as the CBuffer.

Returns:a numpy.ndarray of shape (m, n), with m the number of channels and n the length of the buffer.

Writes as many samples from the buffer to the CBuffer as possible, and returns the number of samples that were read.

The written samples are marked as ready to be read.

Parameters:buffer (numpy.ndarray) – a matrix of shape (m, n), with m the number of channels and n the length of the buffer, where the samples will be read.
Returns:the number of samples that were written to the CBuffer.
Raises:ValueError – if the CBuffer and the buffer do not have the same number of channels.

Writes as many samples as possible to writer, deletes them from the CBuffer, and returns the number of samples that were written.

The samples need to be marked as ready to be read with the CBuffer.set_ready() method in order to be read. This is done automatically by the CBuffer.write() and CBuffer.read_from() methods.

Parameters:writer – a
Returns:the number of samples that were written to writer.
Raises:ValueError – if the CBuffer and writer do not have the same number of channels.
class audiotsm.utils.NormalizeBuffer(length)

A NormalizeBuffer is a mono-channel circular buffer, used to normalize audio buffers.

Parameters:length (int) – the length of the NormalizeBuffer.

Adds a window element-wise to the NormalizeBuffer.

Parameters:window (numpy.ndarray) – an array of shape (n,).
Raises:ValueError – if the window is larger than the buffer (n > self.length).

The length of the CBuffer.


Removes the first n values of the NormalizeBuffer.

Parameters:n (int) – the number of values to remove.
to_array(start=0, end=None)

Returns an array containing the same data as the NormalizeBuffer, from index start (included) to index end (exluded).


Window functions

The module contains window functions used for digital signal processing., window)

Applies a window to a buffer.

  • buffer (numpy.ndarray) – a matrix of shape (m, n), with m the number of channels and n the length of the buffer.
  • window – a numpy.ndarray of shape (n,).

Returns a periodic Hanning window.

Contrary to numpy.hanning(), which returns the symetric Hanning window, hanning() returns a periodic Hanning window, which is better for spectral analysis.

Parameters:length (int) – the number of points of the Hanning window
Returns:the window as a numpy.ndarray of shape (length,)., window2)

Returns the product of two windows.


the product of the two windows. If one of the windows is equal to None, the other is returned, and if the two are equal to None, None is returned.

Gstreamer filters